However, herein lies the problem. You would have probably searched high and low in the internet to find the solutions to your problem areas and realized that there are thousands and thousands of sites promising you that you can get rid of your ugly beer belly, unsightly love handles, embarrassing male breasts, flabby arms or thunder thighs or sites that claim that they can pack you up with pounds and pounds of big defined muscles, well toned washboard 6 pack abs and that you can gain handsome muscular weight in just weeks with their "New Breakthrough Earth Shattering" bodybuilding or body sculpting products!
Low Carb and Low Fat Diets ... A Scam?
By MyWebND
If anyone knows anything about fitness, it’s that a low fat diet is the healthiest way to avoid serious diseases, right? Maybe wrong.In many instances quality research has shown just the opposite … that a low fat diet, sometimes even a vegetarian diet, can be harmful to your health. Although vegetarian and low-fat diets have been proven to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels, they have not demonstrated significant reductions in deaths from any disease.
The Low-Fat Approach
Popular diets of today encouraging low-fat approaches, such as the diets of Dr. Pritkin, Dr. Ornish, Macrobiotics, and Weight Watchers, are generally effective with weight-loss and reduction in blood fats. The low-fat approach has even been proven to overcome serious illness successfully.
But the majority of dieters find these plans difficult to stick with. And most research trials have not shown these diets effective in decreasing death rates from diseases in general, long-term.
Fats in a meal make you feel more ‘full’. They slow the time it takes for your stomach to empty, thus ensuring you will not feel hungry too soon.
Generally, high-carb, low-fat meals have the opposite effect. The stomach empties quicker and insulin levels increase following the meal. This means you may be hungry sooner than you’d like.
Research shows the higher insulin levels of a low-fat, high-carb diet may predispose you to adult onset diabetes, hypoglycemia, and even heart disease.
The Low-Carb Approach
These diets claim that limiting carbs, like sugars, grains, fruits, and some vegetables, is the solution. The Atkins Diet, South Beach Diet, and even the Zone Diet all suggest if you cut out the carbs or have a balance of fat/carbs/protein in every meal, you will experience weight loss and better health. Many dedicated dieters find this to be true.
Although a low-carb diet can cause weight loss, the goal of any program should be life long radiant health. It is still up for debate if this approach leads to any significant health advantages. It is possible to hasten heart disease, arthritis, cancer, and aging with a diet too high in the wrong fats and too low in essential nutrients from various fruits and veggies.
Many health care professionals find it difficult to prescribe to either of the above theories. If there is no definitive answer in either direction that is indisputable, then there must be a middle ground.
A Healthy Solution for Everyone
It is difficult to imagine that reducing intake of the wonderful fruits and vegetables that keep people well is the way to a healthy future. Research will back this up. The average American already ingests too little fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other factors present in whole, unprocessed fruits and vegetables.
In much of our history, it was rare to have many of the diseases we live with today. Most people in native cultures eating diets dictated by availability experienced vibrant health. Their death was caused by accidents, bacterial or viral diseases, or by old age. Very few died of our number one killers: cardiovascular disease and cancer.
People did not begin to experience heart disease and cancer in such great numbers until the advent of our more modern diet and lifestyle customs.
These “advances” included:
- growing and eating more grains
- discovering how to ‘refine’ and ‘preserve’ foods to extend shelf-life
- consuming sugar and ‘simple‘ carbohydrates
- pasteurizing and homogenizing dairy products.
With the human tampering of food overall health took an undeniable turn for the worse.
Almost exclusively we now eat, even in so called 'healthy' or 'organic' foods, the following: refined products, products with added sugar, preservatives, additives, petroleum products, animal products laden with antibiotics and hormones, and animals that are fed diets that they would never eat in the wild (wild cattle do not eat other cattle, poultry by-products, or even grains; cattle eat grass).
Native cultures worldwide, before being indoctrinated with more westernized food choices, eat remarkably similar diets.
Since many food products spoil without refrigeration or freezing, most people fermented their foods. This supplies necessary probiotic bacteria, which many people supplement with today since we eat natural fermented foods so infrequently.
Whether or not they inhabited the same regions, most people ate a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and animal products in season. Very few societies tip the scales by eating mostly animal products (Inuit cultures) or mostly vegetarian (a few tribes in Africa and South America).
The similarities that bind the historical human diet together are:
- A diet based on fresh or fermented whole, unrefined foods
- A diet high in essential fatty acids with an omega 6 to omega 3 ratio of 4:1 (current US diets have a ratio of 16:1)
- A diet where spirituality around food is more meaningful than the material
- A diet with 10 times the level of fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K)
- A diet lower in total calories overall
Wisdom passed down through the ages says that a varied diet with foods found abundant in nature is best. In almost all cultures this means a diet, as available, of fresh or dried wild meats and fish, fermented cheeses, fresh whole or fermented milk, butter, eggs, fresh, dried, or fermented fruits, fresh or fermented vegetables, whole grains (these were fermented normally, even if dried), some beans, and water or fermented beverages to drink.
It is interesting to note that instead of eating fresh foods or those naturally fermented, we chose to cook or destroy what could spoil in our foods then add additives and preservatives. Are these ‘foods’ as digestible? Do they supply the same nutrients? Does the magic number of carbohydrates versus fats or proteins really matter? What if the answer lies in ancient wisdom and thousands of years of knowledge?
Something to think
For more information or questions on related topics, please visit Get all your health questions answered from a licensed Naturopathic physician. Circulated by Article EmporiumThe clutter of information is certainly confusing, isn't it? The question then is which of these promises are real stuff by real experts and which are scams which are out to make quick bucks out of you? You know something? You are not alone. These were the very questions I faced when I started out as a professional fitness personal trainer. You can be absolutely sure that I was certainly a very confused fitness instructor back then.
This is NOT just a diet: Think about all the diets out there. Which one is going to strip the fat off your body the fastest?
Yes, your search for getting a healthier, fitter and better physique is finally over!
Let it be known that I have personally tried and used this information on my myself.
What is the easiest way to lose weight permanently? Why do people gain back the weight they have lost so quickly?
Losing weight is easy. As long as you eat and consume less calories than what your body burn for energy, you should be able to lose weight gradually. The tricky part is how to prevent yo yo weight loss, so thats you can keep out the body fat you have lost from coming back.
Many people want to lose weight fast, so they resort to various fad diets or starvation diets. What they did not know is that when you are on a drastic diet to lose weight quickly, your body's survival instinct kicks in and will soon adapt to the diet you are on. It will then go into a "starvation mode" when it burns muscle for energy instead of body fat. This is because your body is programed to store fat in reaction to the perceived "famine" as a survival instinct.
The weight that you lose from that moment onwards is mostly muscle weight and that means some of the fat you thought you have lost are still there. Now when you have reached your desired weight, because of the your muscle loss, your metabolism slows down. When your metabolism is slow, your body will burn less calories and thus when you get off the diet you are on, the fats that you have lost will start coming back with a vengeance. Many people even put on more weight than before they started dieting.
So, the key for permanent weight loss is muscle retention when trying to lose weight. In this way, the fat that you have lost will stay away forever therefore permanent weight loss.
How To Lose Belly Fat For Women
by Mike Roussell PhD(c)
Do you want to lose belly fat? If so then it is important to know two things.
1. Not all belly fat is created equally.
2. As a woman when you get older you will naturally get more belly fat then a man does (I know, it is unfair).
First let’s look at why belly fat isn’t created equally. There are two types of belly fat – visceral and subcutaneous. Subcutaneous fat is the fat that you can pinch around your waistline. Visceral fat is the fat that is on the inside of your ab muscles surrounding your organs. To get a tight toned six pack you need to really get rid of both but specifically the subcutaneous fat as that is what is ‘masking’ your abs.
Visceral fat is very bad because it is linked to many diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, etc. Visceral fat is also metabolically active, meaning that is doesn’t just sit there (like subcutaneous belly fat) is can actively promote inflammation which scientists think is the driving force for many diseases. Fortunately when you go on a weight loss diet you will lose both visceral and subcutaneous belly fat.
Now back to why women gain more belly fat then men as they get older. As a woman goes through menopause research shows that their body fat tends to get deposited less in their thighs, hips, and arms and more in their stomach area.
As you age and your metabolism slows down, the amount of fat in your body slowly increases. Women experience an even greater fat percentage increase than men do. Then after menopause, your body fat distribution tends to shift — less in your arms, legs and hips, and more in your abdomen. This change in body fat distribution is mainly due to hormonal changes that occur in menopause.
How can you stop this? Preventing storage of body fat in your stomach isn’t as complicated as people make it. In fact you really need to attach stomach fat just like you attack any other type of body fat. You need to use a reduced carb diet, metabolic resistance training, and interval training. This three pronged approach to losing weight is extremely effective in both men and women. It is important to realize that as we get older we move less to increasing activity and stimulating your metabolism to that you burn more calories and burn more fat is the best approach for women who want to lose belly fat (men too, actually).
About the Author/More Info:
Warp Speed Fat Loss is a complete 28 day diet and training system crafted to help you lose 10,15, or 20lbs of body fat in just 28 day. To start losing weight fast visit Mike Roussell is a nutrition doctoral student at the Pennsylvania State University. Mike's writings can be found in magazines such as Men's Health, Men's Fitness, and Testosterone Nation. Mike specializes in fat loss nutrition and diets for busy men and women who need to lose weight fast without it interfering with their lives. Warp Speed Fat Loss is a complete Done-for-You A-Z Fat Loss Blueprint that gives you exactly everything you need to eat to lose weight in record time.
Carbohydrates and Fat Loss - What’s the Deal?
by Mike Roussell
Carbohydrates play an important role in any fat loss diet. You need them to help you recover from your workouts but you need to limit them so that they don’t inhibit your fat loss. So what is the right balance of carbohydrates in your diet? When you eat carbs and what kind of carbs you eat depends on your body type and the time of day. Let’s look at this idea a little more closely.
The degree in which your body does not ‘handle’ carbohydrates well is known in sciency terms as insulin resistance. While there are many factors that impact insulin resistance; the most important is your body fat. Lots of Visceral body fat (the kind that sits inside your gut surrounding your organs) leads to increased insulin resistance. The greater your insulin resistance the worse your body is at processing carbohydrates.
The best way to deal with insulin resistance from a dietary standpoint is to use lower impact carbohydrates. The ‘impact’ of a carbohydrate is the level in which it effects your blood sugar levels. This can be measured in terms of ‘glycemic load’ (higher glycemic load leads to greater effect on your blood sugar levels). One of the world’s top glycemic load researchers, David Ludwig, discovered in one of his research studies published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that people with insulin resistance lost more weight when they were on a low glycemic load diet vs. a low fat diet.
Low glycemic load diets are typically lower total carbohydrates and higher in protein and fat than a typical low fat diet. This is the perfect kind of diet for weight loss. You can easily eat this way by switching out rice, pasta, potatoes, breads, etc for spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, green beans, chick peas, etc. These are the kinds of carbs that you want to focus on eating throughout the day as they are low in total carbohydrates and sugars but higher in fiber.
While low ‘impact’ carbs are important for controlling insulin levels and increasing your rate of fat loss, fast acting carbs are also an important part of a fat loss diet. A 2006 study published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology showed that when people drank a sugary shake during their workout over the course of 12 weeks, they lost just as much weight as the ones that did not drink anything. Carbohydrates during your workout will allow you to train harder, burning more calories, and thus losing more fat. Fast acting carbs during your workout will also allow you to recover from your workouts faster, allowing you to continue training hard and losing weight fast.
The final important point that needs to be made is that when low carbohydrate diets are compared to low fat diets, the people on low carb diets consistently lose more weight after 6 months on the diet and they do not need to focus on cutting calories - they just eat however much they want. People on low fat diets need to focus on restricting calories and they don’t lose as much weight. Which diet would you rather be on?
If you are truly serious about losing weight as fast as possible then you need to adopt a low carb approach during the day but allow for a fast acting carb workout shake when you train.
Should women and men train differently?
There is no difference between the muscle tissue of men and the muscle tissue of women and hence, there is no reason for men and women to train with different workout programs if they are aspiring to achieve the same results.
The only major difference is that men and women have different levels testosterone hormones or commonly referred to as male hormones. This hormone is responsible for the difference in the amount of muscle mass a man can put on and the amount of muscle mass a woman can gain. Since women have much less testosterone than men, they will find it much more difficult to build muscles. So ladies, do not be afraid to workout with weights! s it true that if my muscles are not sore or do not ache the next day after a workout, then my workout the day before was not effective?
If you your muscles feel sore in the days following a workout, that is a good indicator that you have had a good workout. It is just an indicator and is not absolute. However, if your muscles do not ache in the days after a workout has nothing to do with whether or not you had a good workout.
The factor concerning having a good workout is the intensity level. Were your sets done with 100 percent intensity? Did you work your muscles to failure using proper form and technique? Are you making any muscle mass gains? Did you increase the amount of weight you used or did you increase the number of reps with a particular weight from the last workout session?
So need not to be discouraged if you don't feel sore. Just pay attention to your intensity levels. Furthermore, different people have different threshold of pain. I have clients who do not feel sore the days after working out making tremendous muscle gains while others who felt very sore after working out making only normal progression.
so to some things up you need that little extra help to get you on your way.
You could use a
Low Calorie Diet
Low Fat/High Carb Diet
Low Starch Diet
Low Carb Diet
Ketogenic Diet
Cyclic Ketogenic Diet
Low GI Diet
Carb Cycling Diet
Nutrient Timing Diet
Or any of the hundred diet gimmicks out there
Here’s the thing… puts ALL of these to work for you.
How is that possible?
The reason is simple: Advanced Manipulation of Human Biochemistry, Physiology to Maximize Fat Mobilization and Oxidation.
How Fast Can You Lose Fat ?
By Alwyn Cosgrove
How fast can lose lose fat?
What's the rate limiting step (i.e. what is the one thing that is slowing the whole system down)?
How can we get around it and speed up the entire weight loss process?
It always bothered me that we're told - a good weight loss diet could results in 2lbs of fat loss per week.
"Any more than that and you'll lose muscle".
Or a good exercise program could result in the same.
But if you had a good weight loss diet AND a good exercise program - your results didn't double - they canceled each other out! You would still lose "2lbs per week...".
Diet worked.
Exercise worked.
But diet and exercise didn't seem to work much better.
We've all been told that 2lbs a week is the magic number... yet there are actual scientific studies showing weight loss way higher than that.
What about losing muscle and slowing metabolism? Again it's another myth. There are studies showing metabolism increases and muscle gains on programs with intakes as low as 800 calories per day.
Is it just about calories? Nope.
There are studies showing that interval training, while burning less calories during the session, results in a significantly greater fat loss than a higher volume of calorie burning exercise...
There are also studies showing the same total calories burned from weight training and cardio results in drastically different amounts of fat loss.
So it's not just calories...
There are nutrition studies that show changing the source of protein intake doubled the lean mass gains and increased fat lost - without changing total calories or activity levels.
Another one showed the same thing when you changed the source of dietary fat. Again - no change in total calories in, or activity levels (calories out) -- but there was a pronounced reduction in body fat.
After bringing together tons of fat loss information - both from studies that I've read, and people that I've worked with - I came to a conclusion:
The limit for fat loss - if it even exists - is definitely way higher than we first thought. You can lose more than 2lbs per week
And if we did everything right - looking for synergy between the different components as opposed to incompatibility and canceling each other out. - we could ramp all the processes up, and "front-load" the program so that instead of training and dieting for 12 weeks -- you'd get great results in 28 days.
Let's face it -- training for fat loss sucks. Dieting sucks. And we all usually leave it until the last minute.
If you're ready to make fat loss your number one priority for the next 28 days - check it out --
About the Author/More Info:
Warp Speed Fat Loss is a complete 28 day diet and training system crafted to help you lose 10,15, or 20lbs of body fat in just 28 day. To start losing weight fast visit Alwyn Cosgrove, M.S., C.S.C.S. is a nationally renown fat loss expert whose work has appeared in magazines such as Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Muscle & Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Men's Journal, Self, Oxygen, and Muscle & Fitness HERS. His Warp Speed Fat Loss system a complete Done-for-You A-Z Fat Loss Blueprint that gives you exactly everything you need to eat and exactly what to do for exercise to lose weight in record time.
So that's about it from me good luck on your amazing weight loss journey, click on the above link to get started today.
John Whittaker
p.s come back for more updates on this weight loss article
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ReplyDeletehey mate lots of interesting stuff here to sink your teeth into.